Welcome to Our EPIC Digital Easter Egg Hunt!
*The search will end on April 9th at 5PM. The winner will be randomly drawn on April 11th.*
(Eggs on the Easter Eggsperience 2023 page DO NOT count.)
- Find something to document your findings on
- It can be a plain piece of paper to write on, OR a Word/PPT/OneNote Doc on your computer to type on OR paste screenshots on Messenger
- Search through the website for the Easter Eggs (There are 10 total)
- Each Easter Egg you find, either write down on your paper where exactly it was located on the site and describe the image, OR take a screenshot of each image with the egg hidden on it and paste it into your document
- Example for paper entry:
- Egg 1 – Located in Park Information > Gift Shop > orange egg hidden in photo of family in the gift shop
- Tip – Make sure to be detailed in your descriptions!!
- Example for screenshot entry:
- Egg 1 –
- Tip – You can circle the eggs if you’d like!
- Example for paper entry:
- Once you find ALL TEN of the Easter Eggs and document your findings in one of the ways described above, the last step is to send your document to us through EMAIL (marketing@epicwatersgp.com) or FACEBOOK MESSENGER (Facebook.com/EpicWatersGP)
- Then stay tuned! Anyone who finds all TEN eggs will be entered into the drawing for a Family 4 Pack of Tickets! We will notify the winner via email or Facebook Messenger, and we will post the winner’s name on Facebook!